Health & Safety

In order to create a safe and healthy environment Nouveau will endeavour:

• to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities;

• to consult with our employees and our parents on matters affecting their health and safety and that of their children;

• to provide and maintain a safe school and play environment for children;

• to ensure safe handling and use of substances;

• to provide information, instruction and supervision for employees;

• to ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training;

• to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;

• to maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and

• to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.


• Parents should provide food and drink for their own children. If you want your child to have a snack while in the crèche, please bring fruit or sandwiches. Chocolates, nuts, and lollies will not be accepted.

• All possessions such as bottles, dummies, bags, and special toys must be clearly named.

• Please bring any necessary toilet provisions including nappies and change of clothing for emergencies.

• Written authority must be given before the child can be handed over to someone else.

• Children must wear identification tags or stickers.

• All children must be signed in and out of the Nouveau Centre crèche service.

The record will be kept of all accidents, injuries, and illnesses to assist any insurance claims or the outbreak of contagious diseases.

If a child is injured or falls ill, the parent or guardian will be contacted immediately.

Children with infectious diseases cannot be accepted into Nouveau.  Such diseases include measles, mumps, chicken pox, diarrhea, vomiting, head lice, conjunctivitis, ringworm, and gastroenteritis.

Medications will not be administered to children by Nouveau staff, except by written permission of the parent.  A record of medication administered while in our care will be kept, including the name of the medication; date, time and dosage; the name and signature of the person who administered the medication and the person who checked it. 

Parents should specify special needs e.g. epilepsy, asthma.  Allergies should also be specified as well e.g. foods and bee-stings.  Medications should also be specified including dosage, time, and special instructions.

Please inform us if your child has any allergies to plaster, chalk, etc., and if he/she has any physical challenges, e.g. asthma, fits or speech-impediments.

Medical Insurance cover is provided by Ideal Eagle Hospital Limited, Consortium House, Plot 1682, Fourth Floor, Sanusi Fafunwa, Victoria Island. (Dr. Hebeiche Maurice). For just 10,000 naira each, children and employees are covered for one year.

In the case of an accident, parents are required to give prior permission for crèche staff to administer first aid

 All children should carry a change of clothes/wipes/tissues in their bags.

·         Younger ones should have two extra nappies as well.

·         Kindly ensure that your child goes to the potty in the morning before coming to the playschool.

·         Remember that all children are different; so each one takes his or her pace to settle down.

·         Send the children to school in practical clothing; suitable for outdoor play.  Also, mosquito-spray them always.

·        The new child has to be very regular during the first few weeks of school.  It helps in the settling-down process.

·         We have snack-breaks.  Therefore, please send your children to school with dry finger-foods or food-packs and enough water and drink.  Ideally, breakfast should be eaten at home; snacks and lunch at school.

Nouveau Crèche toys are age-appropriate, stimulating and safe.  They have no loose parts that can be inhaled or swallowed.  No sharp edges or points that can cause cuts.  No splinters, rusts or flaking paint.  No lids that can close on top of children such as toy chests or boxes.  No toxic ingredients in case of paint or glue.

All toys are clean. Those dirty are washed and disinfected after use.  Toys that are mouthed, such as those for babies, should be brought from home.  These will be put in individually-marked containers to be wiped or washed with diluted Dettol solution at the end of every day.

The first time the child is brought in, we advise the parent or guardian to come back within fifteen minutes to see how the child is settling in.